Friday, April 25, 2014
Blog 9
On Tuesday my instructor wanted to assign me in the front, but I didn't want to work in the front because the front rooms are really slow. I wanted to get work done, and I asked the instructor if I can have the hall rooms and she responded to me asking why. I told her I wanted to have a hand full of work to do. She was soooo happy because I asked if I can have a lot of work. My partner was my friend Jasmine. We had about six rooms. We had one shower because the other resident didn't trust students bathing him. This Saturday and Tuesday are my clinical. We are going to start preparing ourselves for the state test that is going to be on May 18th. The Saturdays coming up we are going to be practicing in our lab at my High School. I'm super nervous for the test!!

Friday, April 18, 2014
Blog 8
Clinical has been canceled a couple times. On the eighth and the eighteenth of this month clinical was canceled because the state went on Tuesday and on Saturday my instructor had a meeting. On Tuesday April fifteenth I went to clinical, but we got out at 7pm. My partner was Jasarett and we had the rooms in the front. Our CNA didn't really need our help because she was already finished with her work by the time we got there. Jazz and I had to look out for call lights. We had two residents who pressed the call light. One just wanted to know who his CNA was and the other wanted to know what her blood pressure was. After that we helped our CNA pass out trays because we were on the floor. When we're on the floor we feed the residents in their room. This week at clinical was good.

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